Cornelian Cherry Yellow (Cornus mas)
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Plant Description: The Yellow Cornelian Cherry is a form of dogwood with bright, yellow fruit, which tastes like a cherry or plum. This small tree is not only prized for its tasty fruit, but also valued as an ornamental. It displays bursts of delicate yellow flowers in early March, even before the leaves emerge. The fruit ripens in late August to early September, and then the leaves turn lovely shades of yellow and red. Plant two varieties for cross-pollination and to ensure good crops. Hardy to minus 30° F.
- Height: 8-10 ft
- Watering Needs: Moderate
- Sun Needs: Full to half day sun
- Soil Needs: Well-draining soil
- Bloom Time: Early March
- Ripening Time: Late August-early September
- Bearing Age: 2-3 years
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