Peperomia 'Metallica'


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Peperomia ‘Metallica’ is an evergreen succulent plant featuring plump, leathery, cupped leaves with greenish black leaves, center silver streaks and red wine-colored undersides. The trailing stems appear upright at first, but eventually spill over do to their own weight. Displays small, creamy yellow, mouse-tail blooms in late summer to fall.

Plant in a container or hanging basket indoors or use as a summer patio plant. Peperomia’s are sought after for their ability to handle low light in a home or office, although bright indirect light is ideal. Prefers a humid environment and neutral to acidic, well-draining soil. Allow the soil to dry out before watering.

  • Height: 4-5 in
  • Watering needs: Moderate, allow top half of soil to dry between watering
  • Sun needs: Bright indirect light
  • Soil needs: Well-draining
  • Pet safe: Yes!

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