Cardionema ramosissimum (Sand Carpet)
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Plant Description: a beach-dwelling plant known by the common name sandcarpet. This is a flat or clumping mat-forming perennial plant which grows along the coastline of western North America, as well as Chile. From a taproot it extends many petite to sprawling stems up to 30 centimeters long and covered in very tiny leaves, which are about a centimeter long and needle-like. Filling in the spaces between the spine-shaped leaves are long stipules. The plant bears tiny woolly flowers.
Height: 4-12in
- Width: 12in
Watering needs: water when top 5cm of soil is dry
- Sun needs: shade, can tolerate sun
- Soil needs: fast-draining
Bloom Time: April-July
- Portland Plant List (Backyard Habitat Certification): No
Landscape Use and Ecological Function: This thick plant forms a blanket on the sand and can be used for erosion control on sandy soil.
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