Rain Gardens for the Pacific Northwest Design and Build Your Own


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Authors: Keri DeTore and Zsofia Pasztor. Illustrated by Jill Nunemaker.

Rain pounds the Pacific Northwest, gushing through dirty downspouts, across chemically treated lawns, over oily streets and through public storm drains into bays, rivers, lakes, streams, and wetlands where nature struggles to survive among the pollutants. It’s a problem caused by population density and it’s one that you can help solve.

Rain Gardens for the Pacific Northwest shows you how to trap and filter dirty water safely in your yard—and how to do that with a beautiful addition to your home. Zsofia Pasztor, a Certified Professional Horticulturalist, shares what she’s learned over the years experimenting with rain gardens in the challenging clay and hardpan soils of the region. The book answers questions that Zsofia regularly encounters in her workshops, including:

• Can I build a rain garden myself?
• Can a rain garden be too big or too small?
• Can I create a low-maintenance rain garden?
• Will my rain garden attract mosquitos?
• How do you know if your infiltration system is in a “safe” location?
• If my rain garden isn’t working (e.g., not draining), how can I fix it without starting over?

** All physical products are for in-store pickup only. We don't have shipping or delivery. We will hold your order for 3 days. On the 4th day, a 25% restocking fee will be applied. This doesn't apply to non-physical products like classes.

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