Urban Native Meadow Seed Mix HS


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A diverse seed mix of Willamette Valley and Oregon native annuals, perennials, and grasses with a focus on hardy plants that can endure harsh urban conditions. Bloom April-Summer. 

Sow in Fall for highest germination

Sowing rate: 1 oz = ~600 square feet, 1/2 oz = ~300 square feet

Species: Carex pachystachya, Carex tumulicola, Danthonia californica, Festuca roemeri, Luzula comosa, Achillea millefolium, Allium amplectens, Collinsia grandiflora, Eriophyllum lanatum, Heuchera chlorantha, Lomatium nudicaule, Lomatium utriulatum, Perideridia oregana, Plectritis congesta, Potentilla glandulosa, Prunella vulgaris var lanceolata, Ranunculus occidentalis, Sidalcea malviflora ssp. virgata, Viola praemorsa


Photos Courtesy of Heritage Seedlings & Liners

** All physical products are for in-store pickup only. We don't have shipping or delivery. We will hold your order for 3 days. On the 4th day, a 25% restocking fee will be applied. This doesn't apply to non-physical products like classes.

**Initials next to product sizes indicate suppliers/growers