Low Grow Native Grass Economy Seed Mix SF
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Low Grow Native Grass Economy is a mix of native, low-growing grasses. It will work well if it is planted between nursery rows where native grass is desired, but height is not.
Willamette Valley Native: Hairgrass - Slender (Deschampsia elongata), Fescue - Roemer's (Festuca roemeri), Bluegrass - Pine (Poa scabrella), Fescue - Sand (Festuca ammobia)
*Note: Ingredients may vary depending on seed availability.
Recommended Seeding Rate: On a site of bare and loose soil, that will provide optimal seed-to-soil contact, a broadcast seeding rate of 7 lb./acre may be used. If very little site preparation has been done (i.e. only scratching the surface of the soil and existing vegetation is present), then use the doubled rate of 14 lb./acre.
1-2 oz/350 sq ft
Images are of Fescue - Roemers, Hairgrass - Slender, Bluegrass - Pine, Fescue - Sand respectively.
** All physical products are for in-store pickup only. We don't have shipping or delivery. We will hold your order for 3 days. On the 4th day, a 25% restocking fee will be applied. This doesn't apply to non-physical products like classes.
**Initials next to product sizes indicate suppliers/growers