Pear Asian 'Raja' (Pyrus pyrifolia)


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Plant Description: If you like flavorful fruit, you will love the Raja Asian Pear Tree. This attractive, golden-brown Asian Pear is very sweet, richly flavored and simply, quite delicious. Very productive, disease-resistant, and hardy, Raja Asian Pear is a must-have variety for gardeners throughout the U.S. For cross-pollination, plant two Asian Pear varieties or one Asian Pear and an early blooming European variety. Hardy to minus 25°F.

  • Height: 10-12 ft
  • Watering Needs: moderate
  • Sun Needs: full to half day sun
  • Soil needs: well-drained soil
  • Bloom Time: March
  • Ripening Time: September
  • Bearing Age: 1-2 years after planting

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