Contorted Mulberry Tree (Morus bombycis 'Unryu')


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Plant Description: The Contorted Mulberry is a very rare and unique Mulberry featuring gnarled and twisted branches and grows to only 8-10 ft. in height. Enjoy this beautiful and unusual effect especially after leaves fall. Bonus are the small, tasty, sweet black fruit though many other varieties produce superior fruit. Self-fertile and hardy to minus 25ºF.

Exotic, sweet, and delicious, Mulberries are very popular in Central Asia and the Middle East. Now we can grow and enjoy this juicy and nutritious fruit! Mulberry fruit resembles a Blackberry and is delicious eaten fresh and can be dried for tasty winter snacks. Mulberries are pest and disease resistant and form an attractive, small tree with dark green, tropical foliage. Along the ancient Silk Road in Central Asia, Mulberries are widely grown for their foliage, which is used to feed silkworms.

  • Height: 8-10ft
  • Watering Needs: moderate
  • Sun Needs: 1/2 day to full sun
  • Soil Needs: well-drained soil
  • Bloom Time: Spring
  • Ripening Time: mid to late summer
  • Bearing Age: 2-3 years after planting

** All physical products are for in-store pickup only. We don't have shipping or delivery. We will hold your order for 3 days. On the 4th day, a 25% restocking fee will be applied. This doesn't apply to non-physical products like classes.

**Initials next to product sizes indicate suppliers/growers